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Re-focus and move forward

You are on this planet for a relatively short length of time.  Are you making the most of every day?


Change doesn't always mean physically doing something drastic like leaving a relationship or a secure job.  Change can be a subtle shift in your perspective creating the wildest of outcomes!


If you feel ready to at least look at what you believe then you are in the right place.


You don't need to have a 'problem' or 'issue' to  benefit from a belief strategy session, if there is something you'd like to change, this will help, if you're just curious you will be surprised at what you discover!


In 4 sessions you will:


  • see how the power of an innocent thought can create a huge impact

  • literally 'see' how much space the energy of a belief takes up in your body

  • learn how to remove the belief - and if you wish you hadn't you just start thinking it again and it returns!

  • learn some techniques that you can implement immediately

  • appreciate the significance of brushing your teeth with your opposite hand!


I offer a 20 min obligation free phone call for us both to see if we feel this work would help you. 

Our sessions run between 90-120 mins each week for 4, 8 or 12 weeks.


All sessions can be face-to-face or on Skype.

Forward Focus x 4 sessions

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  • Catch your thoughts

  • Identify your beliefs

  • Move forward

© 2016 Believe Australia


Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the many Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and honour their Elders past, present and emerging.

We respect their deep enduring connection to their lands, waterways and surrounding clan groups since time immemorial. We cherish the richness of First Nations Peoples’ artistic and cultural expressions.  We are privileged to gather on this Country.

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