What is self-doubt?
It's the point at which a belief you have kicks-in and causes you to reconsider something.
What do you believe?
Behind every doubt lies a core belief - a thought you keep thinking that's become 'real' or 'true' to you. When you consider your doubts you will become aware of your beliefs around a particular issue and you'll see why the situation is as it is.
Knowing what you believe then gives you the opportunity to change or even remove those beliefs and eliminate any corresponding self-doubt.
Where do your beliefs come from?
The moment you arrive on this planet as a newborn baby your empty mind begins to pick up information, firstly through the energy of the environment you’re in, the feeling from your carers, noises that are calming and sounds that are upsetting. As you grow you begin to observe the behaviours of those around you and, once you are able to communicate, you absorb and retain everything you see and hear and are told. By the age of seven, research shows that your empty mind is now full and your personality has been formed.
This concept has been around for centuries with Francis Xavier (1506-1552), a missionary and co-founder of the Society of Jesus (also known as the Jesuits), credited with stating, ‘Give me the child until he is seven and I will show you the man.’
If you never questioned the information you absorbed in those first few years, the set of beliefs, which influence your values, will be the basis on which you make all future decisions and, in turn, will create your behaviours and therefore shape your life.
All these messages are another’s perception, not your own.
These influences continue to be reinforced by your circle of friends, peers, local community, the media and society in general.
Staying safe
The common thread with all of these influences is they are keeping you safe and making sure you fit in to your environment and society. These influences could also be perceived as programming or controlling. Your carers have a need to control you and keep you safe as a child; schools and education institutions have hundreds of children to control and keep safe. You can reference your own views here regarding governments controlling populations.
As you get older you will defend your beliefs, often to keep yourself feeling safe – in your comfort zone – in order to keep the life you have created from changing. Your self-doubt kicks in when you consider doing something new. This is not right or wrong; it’s an observation that highlights we are not encouraged or naturally given the opportunity to discover our own beliefs.
Belief Strategy Sessions
Often it's not until something major happens in our lives - divorce, illness, death of a loved one, losing an income - that we reflect on our lives and realise we're 'not where we thought we'd be at this age'. Our belief strategy sessions help you to reflect NOW, before a major event occurs.
Through conversation you reveal your underlying beliefs, my role is to guide the conversation and listen. It's like reading between the lines. Once we identify your beliefs you have a choice, you can keep your beliefs, change them or remove them from your subconscious mind - using a technique developed at Believe Australia. Removing them enables you to make different choices and move forward.
We offer an introductory session for you to experience how simple but effective this concept is.