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Build your Business

People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan!

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When running a business almost all aspects require some form of planning, even a to-do list is a plan!  Action planning is the area most neglected, businesses can have a Business Plan, a Marketing Plan and a Financial Plan but if there is no plan to action what's in the document, everything stays in the document!


Believe in Your Business can assist you with your planning - if you are starting from scratch we can too, if you have a plan that you would like us to review with you, we can.  If you would like an Action Plan for just one area of your business we can support you there also.


Below you will find some of our standard packages, if you require something different, please contact us.



Business Plan

A Business Plan is an organic document that develops as a business grows and changes.


Why have a Business Plan?


  • To assist you with acquiring investment

  • It's the Road Map of your business

  • It helps your business keep on track

  • It creates accountability 


What's in a Business Plan?


  • An Executive Summary

  • The Management & Legal Requirements

  • Your Marketing Strategy

  • All Operational Requirements

  • The Financial viability

  • ​

Without a plan your business will struggle to grow, as the direction is unknown and unplanned!



Business Plan Packages:


Creating your Business Plan            

approx 3 hours $400


This package involves us sitting together (or Skyping) and working through a Business Plan template that I will provide.

Some areas may require research before they can be completed - this can be added by you once the information has been identified.

This package includes a Basic 1 Year Financial Forecast.



Updating your existing Business Plan  

approx 2 hours  $250


This package would involve a 1 hour conversation / discussion as to how the business was travelling, which parts of the existing BP had been executed, what worked, what didn't etc.

The second hour is spent updating the Business Plan itself.

You would need to provide an electronic copy of your existing Business Plan.

This package includes a Basic 1 Year Financial Forecast.




Financial Plan Package:


 If you are unsure as to how much money you need, you cannot set realistic goals


Preparing a 2 year Financial Forecast                 

approx 1 hour  $135


A 2 year Financial  Forecast requires approximately 1 hour.  A substantial amount of information is required, which is often not immediately available so this can be finalised by you.




Marketing Plan Package:


Marketing is a constant in your business, if you can make it a habit you'll enjoy it!


Preparing your 12 month Marketing Plan  

approx 2 hours  $250


If you only create one plan for your business I suggest it is the Marketing Plan!  I have a substantial Marketing Plan template that will help you identify new potential customers, discover their needs, and create a marketing message they will respond to and includes lots of promotional ideas to suit your customers. 

It includes a 12 month Promotions Plan and Budget template.



Action Plan Packages:


Planning how you will implement your ideas, goals and strategies is essential!


Knowing what action needs to be planned in all areas of your business could save you lots of time and money. Action Plans include the necessary steps, dates, time needed, delegation, cost, location and other details.  


Action plans can be created for Projects / Sales targets / Product launch / Building a Website, any area of your business that requires some time and effort.


Our fees for helping with an Action Plan begin at $250 for 2 hours.




Promotional Action Plan Package:


Preparing your 12 month Promotional Action Plan  

approx 2 hour $250   


A Promotional Action Plan is very different from a Marketing Plan, it only includes the promotional activities that you intend to run.

I have a 12 month Action Plan and Budget template that we complete together.


This package is ideal for businesses who know exactly who their customers are, what they want, what they respond to and probably have proof of promotional activities that have worked previously.



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