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Believe in your Wealth Workshop

Richard Branson's Necker Island

Necker Island.jpg

Helping a homeless person


Wanting money doesn't make you greedy it gives you choice - you choose what you do with it.

Sunday 24th February      9.30am-12.30pm


 @ 7/216 Main Street, Mornington

Wealth means different things to different people and that's the way of the world.  This workshop is about YOU and what wealth and especially money means to you.


Through a series of practical exercises and processes you will discover what beliefs are potentially preventing wealth in your life.


I have created a simple way for you to remove those beliefs enabling new opportunity.


At our Believe in your Wealth workshop you can:


  • feel rich and see if you like it

  • begin to turn your dream into a reality

  • learn how your beliefs block money 

  • discover what you really think about being wealthy

  • learn a unique process to remove your restricting beliefs



  • an intimate group (max 10)

  • a safe and confidential environment

  • morning tea

  • a take-home workbook

  • $69 worth of opportunity



If you have any questions please email or call Gaynor on 0411 086 746



In this short video Nicki Kuurman outlines how this work has impacted her business

Book Here
only 10 places available
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The only limits you have are the limits you believe

-Wayne Dyer

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